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What should I expect?

We understand that churches are different in their service, music, and preaching.  Because of this uncertainty, sometimes people are uneasy when they attend a new church.  Our desire is to show you the love of God in every aspect of your time with us. 

In this page you will find who we are, what we are about, and why we do the things that we do. In all that we do we want to live out our faith, live faithfully, and live by faith.



 You can expect one of our church members to greet you and help you feel like part of the family.  When you enter our church, face masks and hand sanitizer will be available.We pray the service prelude will encourage your heart for the worship of our great God and Savior.

A visitor packet will be given to every first-time visitor.  The packet includes a gift, pen, and Connect Card.  We ask that you fill out the Connect Card and place it in the wooden box on the Communication table so we can get to know you and pray for you.

A Connect Card is also available to every attendee so he/she can give any updated information, comments, and prayer requests.



Our music is a combination of hymns, choruses, and modern worship songs.  The songs selected are designed to worship and exalt God and not ourselves.  The lyrics to the songs are doctrinally accurate so our hearts and minds can be prepared for the preaching of the Word of God. The music is led with instrumentals from Worship Lyric Videos.  The lyrics are shown on a screen so everyone can worship together. Most of the hymns that we sing will also be in the hymnbooks.  Standing and/or raising hands are welcomed if that is how you desire to show your praise.  Periodically, there will be specials that are designed to get our minds focused on the Holy Spirit's dealing in our hearts through the preaching.



At Charleston Community Baptist Church, we want every aspect of the service to bring honor, glory and praise to God.  Also, every part should be a way that we personally worship our Creator.  We hope this section gives you a mental picture of what will happen.  The service begins when you enter the doors.  Worship music will be played as you fellowship with others.  Sunday School will begin promptly at 10 am. Morning worship service begins at 11 am when Pastor Stephen welcomes, gives the announcements, and prays.  Worshipful singing is next and followed by the preaching. 

Many churches do offering differently.  At CCBC, we have an offering box where people can give their tithes and offerings either prior to the service start or afterwards as they leave.  We desire that our worship in giving is not out of necessity but rather with a cheerful heart as the Bible describes.



At Charleston Community Baptist Church, Pastor Stephen preaches expositorily which means he preaches through a passage verse by verse.  He uses commentary, illustrations, and analogies to amplify the truth of the passage he is preaching through.  Although there is not a specified altar call, if we are listening to the Holy Spirit, the preaching of the Word of God should lead us to repentance and a changed life

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